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How to find lost Australian superannuation accounts

Since the introduction of the superannuation guarantee in Australia in 1997; lost superannuation has become an increasing problem.  As people have changed their names, shifted house and found new employment the number of lost superannuation accounts in Australia has increased.  So, it’s important to keep informed about how to find lost Australian superannuation accounts.

How to find lost Australian superannuation accounts – why do they matter?

If there’s the slightest chance you may have a lost superannuation account; it’s not a difficult thing to remedy; but it is vital that you do. After all you’ve worked hard for those contributions to provided for you in you retirement. For each inactive superannuation account you have, you are probably paying fees; and in the long term this is going to have a huge effect on the bottom line of your retirement funds.  Thus the importance of knowing how to find lost Australian superannuation accounts.

How to find lost Australian superannuation accounts – where do I look?

Losing all that money you’ve worked hard for is certainly a scary thought. But don’t be too alarmed.  It can be quite a simple process to recover it. The Australian Taxation Office provides online tools and information about how to find lost Australian superannuation accounts. By providing a few simple pieces of information such as you name, date of birth and you tax file number, the ATO’s SuperSeeker tool is able to search for any superannuation that may be lost to you. Alternatively give the ATO a call and they can advise you on how to find lost Australian superannuation accounts.

How to find lost Australian superannuation accounts – determine your future.

Don’t let your retirement funds fritter away. Take control of your future and get informed about how to find lost Australian superannuation accounts.